I am very excited about my 1/2 marathon tomorrow! I started carbing up yesterday and took yesterday off from any type of exercise. Monday and Wednesday I ran 5ks. My hip started hurting a few days ago and yesterday my PT I work with looked at it and determined it's not actually my hip but I have a sprained glut medius so she stretched it out and gave ultrasounded it. It feels much better this morning. I was able to get out of bed without any pain :) My goals tomorrow are to not stop, at all, no matter what, other than when I take my water and I want to keep my pace under 11 min. mile. I am hoping for 10 to 10 1/2 min. miles the entire way through.
My weight is up 142.3 which is a pisser. Phase 1 will be back on w/ my diet starting Sunday which means I'm going to enjoy my carbs today because they will be a no no on Sunday. I will admit I am really looking forward to going back to my old routine and just getting to run 3 miles every night without those really long double digit miles. It takes so much time after work to get that in as well as family time, dinner ect ect.
I will be posting my results my Monday. Here's to a great weekend!!
Good luck tomorrow! And eat some carbs for me and tell them I miss them!