Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 1 of Advocare challenge

Weight 147....I about flipped my gasket when I got on the BMI machine at work and saw that I was way more than I thought I was. On my own scales naked that morning I weighted 143. I did have clothes on when I got on the BMI but still.....ugh

So far, so good with the challenge. Nothing is too brutal other than the large vitamins which I don't do well taking, but they went down and that is all that matters. I pieced my challenge together so I got the peaches and cream fiber drink instead of the one that comes in the kit and it's not bad. The rule of thumb with this diet is to divide your body weight by 2 and then drink that many oz of water...that's a lot of freaking water to drink in a day!!

I didn't run Monday or today. I ended up going to the chiro again yesterday because my back has been so painful and sure enough I was way out of alignment on the right side causing my upper back muscles extreme pain. I sat on ice and ate ibuprofen yesterday and I'm very sore today. I keep being told to stop running and start swimming but that just isn't going to happen. Thank goodness for insurance that covers chiro!

The elephant in the room with this diet is can I stop drinking for 24 days??? Probably, hopefully. Last night I had a lemon cayenne kombuchu tea in a wine glass. I can tell you this,,,I'm going to be very thirsty in 24 days :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Preparing for the Advocare challenge!

Weight 140

I had a great week running so far. Tuesday we ran for 4.5 miles, Wed was 3.2 miles and tomorrow will be another 3.2 miles. The runs are feeling good and on Tuesday I kept my average page to 9:13 which is very good these days for me!! I have decided to do the Advocare 24 day challenge. I'm excited to post about my results and how I am feeling throughout the challenge. My hubby is doing it with me. Thank goodness, he will help keep me in check and he can't drink either so I won't feel quite as deprived!!