Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Weight 143.3

Let's start with the weight number. It is not making sense. Two days ago my scales said 136.6, yesterday was 138 and then today is a huge jump. I am changing the batteries in the scale to make sure it's not a glitch. I did have a large lunch yesterday and a large dinner. Yesterday was my 38th birthday so work bought my Thai food...red curry w/ noodles and vegetables with 1/2 of a papaya salad and then my wonderful husband bbq'd me pork ribs, fried potatoes and peppers stuffed w/ cream cheese wrapped with ham and I did have a LOT of wine. So the scales may not be wrong, but I doubt they are accurate for how much a truly weigh. It's probably more of a salt retention, huge meal day type of thing. I haven't ran for almost a week. Bad I know, but we were busy last week with upcoming company coming for the weekend. Tonight I am running 5 miles, Thursday is another 10 or 12 mile day, then I take off for the weekend for a wine tour in Roseburg with some girlfriends. Next week I will run at least one more double digit number and then that Saturday will be my big 1/2 marathon race! I am excited but I am also ready to be done with the double digit runs. I would prefer to just enjoy getting to run 3-4 miles every night and not stressing my body out. I will continue to post my weight this week to see how that number does. As I am typing I can feel the swelling in all of my fingers...so I am pretty sure the weight is reflecting something called salt retention and tomorrow all will be fine. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Weight: 138.8

My last run was 3 miles of speed work. I ran the straight stretch on the track hard and then slow jogged the corners. My average pace ended up being 8:59 mile. My running partner went on a run by herself last wk and ran 5 miles at a pace of 8:45 so I am slowing her down tremendously when we go together. I will continue to work on building up my speed!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Weight 138.4

Sunday I made a milestone and ran 10 miles at a pace of 10 min per mile. I was very pleased with that!! Then Monday I went for a quick 3 mile run at a pace of 9.30.

Diet is going well. Same as usual. Last night I made turkey meatballs w/ chili sauce as a glaze. Yummy!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday 4/9

I did not weigh in this morning. I got up late and had my boots on before I thought of it.

Last night I ran 6 miles right around 57 min. which I believe is a new record for me. The run felt great. The weather was nice, I had a different MPV player with me that had new songs and I just felt motivated.

My diet is going very well. I am only taking what I need to work for breakfast, lunch and snack and not straying from those foods. I was eating out way too much 2 weeks ago, so I have made sure my cupboards are stocked with foods I can eat. Tonight we have a pizza party for the end of the year for my daughter's volleyball team and I don't know what I will eat. I don't think the place we are going to has a good salad bar but I will figure it out. If I have to have one slice of pizza, then so be it.

One day at a time....and one pound at a time.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Major Weight Gain

The title says it all. 140# and I am not loving it. It's not just an muscle vs. fat thing. I contribute this to too much eating out lunches which has been Thai food and more Thai food with lots and lots of noodles. This weekend I really went overboard at our branding Saturday at my Mom's and ate lots and lots of carbs. I was actually ashamed at how much I was eating.

New day, new start!

Today I took my lunch to work and when its gone, its gone. I have had a greek yogurt, 1 can of tuna fish with sweet chili sauce lightly drizzled on it, 1 tangerine, 2 portions of almonds and lots and lots of water. My coffee consisted of 1/4 cup of almond milk to a large to go cup. Not sure what dinner will be, but I will not have carbs and I will not have any beer when I get home (that is the hardest part) I will have one ginger "brew" just to take the edge off, but it's non alcoholic.

I cannot go off this diet, or cheat at all, because if I do I either gain or just maintain and that is obviously not working out so good for me. I am going to have to get my 17 day diet book out again and revisit the recipes that I was using for a refresher. Back to the drawing board!