Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Weight 143.3

Let's start with the weight number. It is not making sense. Two days ago my scales said 136.6, yesterday was 138 and then today is a huge jump. I am changing the batteries in the scale to make sure it's not a glitch. I did have a large lunch yesterday and a large dinner. Yesterday was my 38th birthday so work bought my Thai food...red curry w/ noodles and vegetables with 1/2 of a papaya salad and then my wonderful husband bbq'd me pork ribs, fried potatoes and peppers stuffed w/ cream cheese wrapped with ham and I did have a LOT of wine. So the scales may not be wrong, but I doubt they are accurate for how much a truly weigh. It's probably more of a salt retention, huge meal day type of thing. I haven't ran for almost a week. Bad I know, but we were busy last week with upcoming company coming for the weekend. Tonight I am running 5 miles, Thursday is another 10 or 12 mile day, then I take off for the weekend for a wine tour in Roseburg with some girlfriends. Next week I will run at least one more double digit number and then that Saturday will be my big 1/2 marathon race! I am excited but I am also ready to be done with the double digit runs. I would prefer to just enjoy getting to run 3-4 miles every night and not stressing my body out. I will continue to post my weight this week to see how that number does. As I am typing I can feel the swelling in all of my fingers...so I am pretty sure the weight is reflecting something called salt retention and tomorrow all will be fine. Fingers crossed!

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