Thursday, August 29, 2013


The title says it all. Maybe instead of weighing myself everyday I should stick to once or twice a week to see if there is actually improvement. I am doing well with exercise and diet though. Yesterday I ran 5 miles at 5:45 am and then in the afternoon went for a 2 mile fast walk and ran up and down 35 stairs twice. My butt is killing me today!!

I am taking today off from running but will walk and do the stairs again this morning. The increase in exercise should help with the least that is what I am telling myself!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


My weight is slowly going back down :)

This is the last week before my kids start school and life has been a little hectic with school shopping, registration and on and on. I got a nice run in Sunday afternoon with my hubby around our favorite spot and then Monday morning my partner and I left early and ended up going for 4.5 miles at a 9:20 pace. It felt good! My body was sore last night and today I took the morning run off my schedule as well as the elliptical. I'm getting ready to go do some core work and then I am walking with one of my friends tonight.

A lot of people I know are doing the Advocare weight loss system. One of my friends lost 10# in the first 24 days and is continuing to lose. I have another good friend who just started the 24 day cleanse challenge and I'm curious to see how she does with it. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


No new change with the weight. This week is TTOM for I'm bloated and would like to eat everything in sight! I haven't ran since Thursday. It's 4:18 am right now and in an hour and half I will be meeting with some ladies to go out for 3 miles. It always feels good to get that run in and out of the way before the day even really begins :) My kids made it home this weekend. It sure feels good to have them home after they were gone most of the summer. I had a great time with my mom in Bandon shopping and just getting to enjoy some visiting. Rex took my dad out fishing but they weren't successful...good thing I had a pulled pork in the crockpot!

With all that being said, obviously I had company this weekend so I just didn't stick to the no bread or sweets diet at all. It's time I get my 17 day diet book out again so I can refresh and get excited. Several people I know are now on a diet kick using Advocare products. I am trying to stay off that band wagon just because I know my diet works and I know I just need the willpower to stick to it. I also came to the "duh" conclusion this morning that a year ago I was running over 3 miles EVERY DAY. I have been slacking to say the least. We run a lot but not that far, guess it's time to step up my game. I am posting some pictures of some of my runs I did this year. Time to spice up my blog a bit! Here are some of the half marathon and then of the steens rim run that was brutal!

brutal steens rim run.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tues, Aug 13th, 2003

My weight has been all over the place this week. Up and down but not staying down. It's discouraging. On the up side I have been doing great with exercising and dieting. This Saturday my hubby and I went for a 3 mile run around our old stomping grounds (the place we went every day when we first started running together) It was an awesome time being with him, around a familiar and comfortable trail and I ran a good time. I have also had some good runs with my running partner and 2 other ladies have joined also and on top of that I have been doing the elliptical machine at work for 20 minutes.

I have a new smoothie recipe which is very good

1 cup of frozen fruit
1 cup greek yogurt (vanilla)
1 cup of Bolthouse Farms pure carrot juice

It's delicious! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tues 8/6

Weight 142.2

I had an awesome day with my diet yesterday and with my workout.
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with smoked turkey and shredded cheese
Snack: 1 cheese stick
Lunch: 1 smoothie made with 1 cup fruit, 1 carton of light yogurt and juice as well as 1 cup of cottage cheese with pepper
Snack: Carrot sticks
Dinner: 1 stuffed pork chop/smoked with fried zuchinni

I am drinking alcohol. I am not giving that up. I had some wine and then some orange blossom beer which was very good.

Exercise: I ran 3 miles last night with my running partner, which actually went very well and Rex came and ran with me too. I loved having him there to run with!!!

The Steens 10k was pure hell! It took my 1 hr and 38 min. to run those measly 6 miles. It was all uphill and at mile 3 I seriously thought about stopping and sitting down in the dirt and crying or quitting. It was hard. If I do it again next year I will have to put in some serious training way before the race.

I have already jumped started my morning and got 3 miles in by 6:30. My running partner, my neighbor and another lady went into town and ran. It was a great morning for a run, the weather was perfect and there wasn't much traffic.

I should also mention I am taking the Ace diet pill. I know it's cheating, but I'm really wanting to figure out this weight and get it down, as well as my belly flab. It's all natural and full of B12. It gives me a rush and suppresses my appetite. I took 2 last wk and then yesterday I started it full time. By the end of the month if the results aren't great then I will stop.

Life is good, my legs are sore but in a good way and I'm happy to be done with the Steens. My next run will be the Prefontaine 10k here in Coos Bay but that's not for another month. I have time to train for it and I know the course well.