Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So far this wk. I have had two good 3.25 mile runs at an average pace of 9:10. My running partner is getting way faster than me so tonight I plan on going alone to work on my speed. I have had serious issues with my pace and it is frustrating me to no end.

Speaking of frustrating, my weight is another issue I have about had it with. It's NOT going down. I am eating healthy but I do have the drinks, but I can't believe with my active lifestyle at night that I am not losing. I am not sure if it's a muscle issue and I have gained enough muscle to make the added weight worth it, or if I am just feeling fat. I should be taking account of my inches to see if there is a loss. It's just irritating. I have wanted to be in the 120's for a very long time now and I am feeling like a failure for not reaching the goal!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Weight. Damnit I was up this morning. It shouldn't surprise me. I haven't ran since Wednesday and I have ate like crap all week. So it's all my own fault.

On the up side..yesterday was my husband 1/2 marathon race on the Mckenzie River. He did great. He finished at an hour and 47 min. The weather was beautiful. It inspired me to get my butt in gear for my 1/2 that is in 2 months.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Weigh in yesterday. 135.5

Didn't have time to weigh in today to see if there is a change from yesterday so this is as accurate as it gets. I have been running, running and running some more. This entire week was 3-4.5 mile runs and then Sunday was a 6 mile run. Saturday was a 4.2 miler with a huge ass hill that kicked my butt.

I am back on the no beer kick during the week. Last night was one ginger "brew". I blew the diet part yesterday with a foot long pepperoni and meatball sub sandwich w/ bread. It was so good, but I am paying for it today. I woke up extremely puffy and feel yucky. It's amazing how when I eat bad I feel bad the next day.

This weekend I am watching my hubby run his 1/2 marathon near Eugene. I hope all goes well for him and it encourages me to keep going for mine!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I will post my weight tomorrow.

Sunday I went for an 8.65 mile run. It was a doozy!! My average time was 10:30 and my fasted mile was actually my last mile at an even 10 average. I did intentially go slower because I knew I had longer to run, but I'm hoping that by race day I can average 10 for the entire 13 miles. My damn Nike watch, which I usually love, would not sync up to GPS, only to my shoe pod which isn't as accurate. That was during the 1st mile and I was getting frustrated so I stopped and fiddled w/ it for a good 5 minutes. I wanted to pout and be pissy but I decided to pull up my big girl pants and deal with it. My problem is that I like to see results and having the watch tell me exactly what I am doing gives me a lot of gratification. It's a little ridiculous I rely on it so much but whatever gets me out there right?! Food has been going well. Keeping things fat free, carb free ect. We had fresh crab for the past 2 days that my husband went out and caught out of the ocean. favorite. Tomorrow is weigh in, I'm hoping for a number at 135 or less. Last night we didn't run and tonight is a 3 to 4 mile run. I am right on track for the 1/2 in May :)

Friday, March 1, 2013


Weight 135.5

Weight is about the same as last week. Hoping for a big drop by next week. I went for a 3 mile run last night around the track. The weather cooperated and didn't rain at those kind of nights.

For dinner we had a huge chef salad with all the fixing and I found fat free/35 calorie per serving poppyseed dressing. It was so good. That is my favorite dressing and is loaded with calories if you have the original. I was so excited to find this brand and try it. It was so good. Breakfast was a greek yogurt, snack was tangerine, bell peppers and FF cheese stick and lunch was leftover eggplant lasagna. We did have lots of wine last night as my good friend, who also happens to be my neighbor, came up. I felt a little crappy this morning and probably would have seen 134 without the wine. Oh well.