Friday, March 1, 2013


Weight 135.5

Weight is about the same as last week. Hoping for a big drop by next week. I went for a 3 mile run last night around the track. The weather cooperated and didn't rain at those kind of nights.

For dinner we had a huge chef salad with all the fixing and I found fat free/35 calorie per serving poppyseed dressing. It was so good. That is my favorite dressing and is loaded with calories if you have the original. I was so excited to find this brand and try it. It was so good. Breakfast was a greek yogurt, snack was tangerine, bell peppers and FF cheese stick and lunch was leftover eggplant lasagna. We did have lots of wine last night as my good friend, who also happens to be my neighbor, came up. I felt a little crappy this morning and probably would have seen 134 without the wine. Oh well.


  1. Thanks for the email!
    What brand is the poppyseed dressing?

    1. It is Maple Grove Farms of Vermont. I found it at Wal-Mart
