Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Advocare was great. I lost 7#., 2 inches around my waist and 2 inches around my thigh. I felt great and have kept the weight off. I am still running but haven't ran the last week due to the cold and that fact I am sick.

Changes are coming our way. My husband took a job in WA and will be leaving next month. I will be staying for a short while, but am planning on leaving next year to move up with him. We have a lot to do...a house to sell, kids to relocate schools and I have to find a job. I love my job I have and it's going to be very bittersweet to leave. We have lived her for close to 20 years and I have made many friends who I hate to say goodbye to. Did I mention I hate change??? I do. I grew up in the same house, went to the same school and have stayed married to the same man (thank goodness for that!) But life is a journey and God is good so I think we will be ok and I'm hoping some of this stress will bring me down to the 120's :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 1 of Advocare challenge

Weight 147....I about flipped my gasket when I got on the BMI machine at work and saw that I was way more than I thought I was. On my own scales naked that morning I weighted 143. I did have clothes on when I got on the BMI but still.....ugh

So far, so good with the challenge. Nothing is too brutal other than the large vitamins which I don't do well taking, but they went down and that is all that matters. I pieced my challenge together so I got the peaches and cream fiber drink instead of the one that comes in the kit and it's not bad. The rule of thumb with this diet is to divide your body weight by 2 and then drink that many oz of water...that's a lot of freaking water to drink in a day!!

I didn't run Monday or today. I ended up going to the chiro again yesterday because my back has been so painful and sure enough I was way out of alignment on the right side causing my upper back muscles extreme pain. I sat on ice and ate ibuprofen yesterday and I'm very sore today. I keep being told to stop running and start swimming but that just isn't going to happen. Thank goodness for insurance that covers chiro!

The elephant in the room with this diet is can I stop drinking for 24 days??? Probably, hopefully. Last night I had a lemon cayenne kombuchu tea in a wine glass. I can tell you this,,,I'm going to be very thirsty in 24 days :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Preparing for the Advocare challenge!

Weight 140

I had a great week running so far. Tuesday we ran for 4.5 miles, Wed was 3.2 miles and tomorrow will be another 3.2 miles. The runs are feeling good and on Tuesday I kept my average page to 9:13 which is very good these days for me!! I have decided to do the Advocare 24 day challenge. I'm excited to post about my results and how I am feeling throughout the challenge. My hubby is doing it with me. Thank goodness, he will help keep me in check and he can't drink either so I won't feel quite as deprived!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Prefontaine Run

Weight 143#..grrrr

This has been a bit of a grrr day for me. I ran the Pre, 6.2 miles. The weather was great but my time was almost one whole minute off last years. To be exact 1:01:30. My goal was to be under an hour, which is a bummer I didn't make it. Next year I will be starting at the front of the line so my time is more accurate. The time starts when the 1st person crosses the line and I was in the back...way back, which probably cost me at least 30 seconds. No weight loss is completely my fault. What can I say..I LOVE October beer. I bought a box of Sam Adams Harvest Collection and drank most of it. It is my favorite time of the year for beer. It had a Hazelnut Brown (I think the name is off a little) and my husband and I both wanted it to ourselves...Yep, that good. Today starts a new week of cleansing my system with only good foods from my diet and no alcohol. There were will a lot of mocktails made this week! I had a very productive morning. I got up at 4:20 and vacumed, did the dishes and a load of laundry and then ran 3.2 miles at a pace of around 9:40ish. I am a little sore, mostly my shins, but it felt good to get my exercise in as well as a lot of my housework: all before 6:30 am!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Temptation resisted!

Last night we had a work function I had to go to that included dinner. I had one beer and then a tuna fillet over an arugula salad (the tuna is on the diet, including the salad)  and then EVERYONE else ordered a slice of cheesecake with fresh fruit that looked absolutely delicious and I resisted. I am not much of a sweets girl (mostly chips and dips type) but cheesecake is the one sweet that is my favorite and it looked really good. I even resisted the urge to have a bite of anyone elses. It was one small step in the right direction. I got up and ran 3 miles this morning because my 10k is Saturday and tomorrow I want my legs to rest. It felt good to get up this morning and know I wasn't just trying to burn off the crap I ate the night before. Obviously beer shouldn't be on the menu but I did pretty damn good overall!

I have also found a new drink I LOVE. It's Organic Raw Kombucha made by GT's and is the gingerade flavor. There are 60 calories per container, 14 g carbs, 4 gram sugar and 0 fat. It's carbonated and gives that feeling like I'm getting something I shouldn't but it's good for me!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Preparing for the Pre.

It's Monday and I finished my cleanse yesterday. I did drop a few pounds but didn't notice a difference in my measurements. It was TTOM for me yesterday which sucks coming off the cleanse because I always get bloated. The mocktail idea worked pretty well for me and I plan on doing that again this week. Saturday is our local Prefontaine race. It's 6 miles. I wanted to run the course once before the race but it's not going to work out for me. My back is really hurting me again so I skipped the course run yesterday and went for a leisurely walk. In about an hr I will be going on a run, 3 miles and I'm really hoping for no pain afterwards. I bought the best veggie patty burgers this week. They are from Morning Star and are only 110 calories each with 10 grams of protein. They taste like a zucchini fritter. I plan on having them for  lunch this week. It's always good to find something new!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cleansing week

Since the weight is not coming off and I am exercising I decided to do a cleanse this week. I chose a 7 day rapid cleanse from the health food store. The reviews on it were very good. I am on day 3. It's not a brutal cleanse if you get what I mean and I'm not scared to be away from a bathroom but I am definitely getting flushed out. Some of the side effects said your organs would hurt ie. kidney and liver and my left side is hurting but it's not excruciating. I have cut liquor completely out of the picture for the 7 days. To get over that hurdle I am drinking sparkling water in a wine glass and last night I made lemon sparkling water with orange juice, my mocktail version of a mimosa. Whatever works! Saturday I went on a 3 mile run with my husband and Monday morning I did another 3 miles at 5:30 am with my partner. It's funny....yesterday I had someone say to me "oh, you are in that other running group on Mon, Wed and Fridays". I didn't know I was in a group! I have just been running with some friends but I guess people are taking notice because there is now another "group" of women running on Tues and Thurs in the morning. I was invited to go as well but those are my rest days. I guess actions really do speak louder than words as it appears my friend and I have gotten some other women motivated to run as well :) My diet is strictly off the 14 day diet, which is basically what the cleanse recommends too. Lean protein, lots of fresh veggies and fruit and on and on. I am drinking a ton of water at work and just putting almond milk in my coffee...thank goodness for the Keurig and the fabulous coffee it brews! Today I added agave nectar to my coffee to see what I thought, it's pretty good! I also measured myself this morning so in four days I will remeasure and see the results, if there are any. If anything I am proving to myself I can go for more than one day without a drink!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back adjustment time!

Weight 142.3

Weight wasn't so bad this morning, especially after my epic cheating weekend w/ all that sangria! Yesterday after my run my back started hurting badly. I went to the chiropractor this morning and my left leg was 1/2 inch shorter than my right. He adjusted me with a lot of cracking and popping and right now I'm sitting on ice. He said I should swim and not run,,yeah right! Non runners don't get that there is a need to get out and push yourself to the next landmark. It was my first time seeing a chiro and I must say I enjoyed all that popping. Hopefully I feel better so I can go out again tomorrow. Diet has been good. Yesterday's breakfast was 1 12 oz smoothie with greek yogurt, 1 c strawberries and 1 c almond milk, snack was veggies dipped in ranch, lunch was chicken salad and dinner was coleslaw with baked halibut (a carb free version of fish tacos).

I am cheating today with Starbucks pumpkin latte'.  I have waited all year for this to come back, but I only allow myself one coffee drink a week and the rest of the time it's black coffee with almond milk.

Cheers to feeling better!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


All of my kids are back in school!! Hooray. The boys are running cross country and my daughter is doing volleyball, we are all very busy.

With school starting, I am trying to find the time to run so we are going at 5:30 in the morning. It's pitch dark and there is a lot more traffic than I counted on, but such is life to find time to fit runs in. This morning we went for 3.21 miles. I did another 2.5 mile run last night and then tomorrow is no run and Friday will be 5 miles. My partner is doing a 1/2 marathon in Sisters in November so our mileage is increasing which is great.

I didn't even bother to weigh myself today. I was BAD labor day weekend. We went to the lake with our boat and kayaks and I drank gallons of homemade sangria. I did try my hand at paddle boarding which was a lot of fun and worked out my core!! It was a great time.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


The title says it all. Maybe instead of weighing myself everyday I should stick to once or twice a week to see if there is actually improvement. I am doing well with exercise and diet though. Yesterday I ran 5 miles at 5:45 am and then in the afternoon went for a 2 mile fast walk and ran up and down 35 stairs twice. My butt is killing me today!!

I am taking today off from running but will walk and do the stairs again this morning. The increase in exercise should help with the least that is what I am telling myself!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


My weight is slowly going back down :)

This is the last week before my kids start school and life has been a little hectic with school shopping, registration and on and on. I got a nice run in Sunday afternoon with my hubby around our favorite spot and then Monday morning my partner and I left early and ended up going for 4.5 miles at a 9:20 pace. It felt good! My body was sore last night and today I took the morning run off my schedule as well as the elliptical. I'm getting ready to go do some core work and then I am walking with one of my friends tonight.

A lot of people I know are doing the Advocare weight loss system. One of my friends lost 10# in the first 24 days and is continuing to lose. I have another good friend who just started the 24 day cleanse challenge and I'm curious to see how she does with it. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


No new change with the weight. This week is TTOM for I'm bloated and would like to eat everything in sight! I haven't ran since Thursday. It's 4:18 am right now and in an hour and half I will be meeting with some ladies to go out for 3 miles. It always feels good to get that run in and out of the way before the day even really begins :) My kids made it home this weekend. It sure feels good to have them home after they were gone most of the summer. I had a great time with my mom in Bandon shopping and just getting to enjoy some visiting. Rex took my dad out fishing but they weren't successful...good thing I had a pulled pork in the crockpot!

With all that being said, obviously I had company this weekend so I just didn't stick to the no bread or sweets diet at all. It's time I get my 17 day diet book out again so I can refresh and get excited. Several people I know are now on a diet kick using Advocare products. I am trying to stay off that band wagon just because I know my diet works and I know I just need the willpower to stick to it. I also came to the "duh" conclusion this morning that a year ago I was running over 3 miles EVERY DAY. I have been slacking to say the least. We run a lot but not that far, guess it's time to step up my game. I am posting some pictures of some of my runs I did this year. Time to spice up my blog a bit! Here are some of the half marathon and then of the steens rim run that was brutal!

brutal steens rim run.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tues, Aug 13th, 2003

My weight has been all over the place this week. Up and down but not staying down. It's discouraging. On the up side I have been doing great with exercising and dieting. This Saturday my hubby and I went for a 3 mile run around our old stomping grounds (the place we went every day when we first started running together) It was an awesome time being with him, around a familiar and comfortable trail and I ran a good time. I have also had some good runs with my running partner and 2 other ladies have joined also and on top of that I have been doing the elliptical machine at work for 20 minutes.

I have a new smoothie recipe which is very good

1 cup of frozen fruit
1 cup greek yogurt (vanilla)
1 cup of Bolthouse Farms pure carrot juice

It's delicious! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tues 8/6

Weight 142.2

I had an awesome day with my diet yesterday and with my workout.
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with smoked turkey and shredded cheese
Snack: 1 cheese stick
Lunch: 1 smoothie made with 1 cup fruit, 1 carton of light yogurt and juice as well as 1 cup of cottage cheese with pepper
Snack: Carrot sticks
Dinner: 1 stuffed pork chop/smoked with fried zuchinni

I am drinking alcohol. I am not giving that up. I had some wine and then some orange blossom beer which was very good.

Exercise: I ran 3 miles last night with my running partner, which actually went very well and Rex came and ran with me too. I loved having him there to run with!!!

The Steens 10k was pure hell! It took my 1 hr and 38 min. to run those measly 6 miles. It was all uphill and at mile 3 I seriously thought about stopping and sitting down in the dirt and crying or quitting. It was hard. If I do it again next year I will have to put in some serious training way before the race.

I have already jumped started my morning and got 3 miles in by 6:30. My running partner, my neighbor and another lady went into town and ran. It was a great morning for a run, the weather was perfect and there wasn't much traffic.

I should also mention I am taking the Ace diet pill. I know it's cheating, but I'm really wanting to figure out this weight and get it down, as well as my belly flab. It's all natural and full of B12. It gives me a rush and suppresses my appetite. I took 2 last wk and then yesterday I started it full time. By the end of the month if the results aren't great then I will stop.

Life is good, my legs are sore but in a good way and I'm happy to be done with the Steens. My next run will be the Prefontaine 10k here in Coos Bay but that's not for another month. I have time to train for it and I know the course well. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday July 25th

I haven't been posting because nobody has been reading...but if I don't post I don't hold myself accountable and I need to use this for tracking.

Weight 141#...all I can say is blah. I have just fallen off the diet wagon, and to make it worse we have been cutting our running miles down to only about 2.5 miles 3 x a week.

I'm going to rant a little about having a running partner. They are great to keeping a person motivated but I am really tired of always feeling obligated to run with the same person each day. It is just starting to feel like a chore...and then if I get off work early or want to run at a different time I feel obligated to call and let her know to see if she wants to come. I don't have the balls to just come out and let her know how I feel...I am frustrated and at this time last year I was running by myself and logging in way more miles. A change needs to be made!

On the upside..I am running a 10k with my mom next weekend at the Steens Mountain. The course is rough--a person climbs 2000 feet uphill in 6 miles. My son and my hubby are also running the race so it's a family affair :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Weight 140#

This week I finally got my ass in gear and got serious again about running and dieting. The injury from the 1/2 marathon w/ my glut was a big downer and I just went downhill from there. I gained weight and then sporadically ran. Not the way I wanted to start my summer BUT things are changing.

My kids went to my parents for two weeks so I went to the store and bought only good stuff for our diet. It's all yummy stuff, it's just dieting and eating healthy with kids can be tough and expensive. With three less stomachs to fill I overloaded on fish and turkey knowing we will only need 2 servings out of each. It's nice to know a flat of blueberries will last a week and a bag of tilapia will last 4 days!! No breads or pastas at all!!

Last night I jogged 3 miles and I convinced my running partner to start going in the morning. Today we got up at 6 am and went for another 3 mile run. This morning's run was not my best. I felt sluggish but I had not eaten anything before going and was overdressed. Ahhhh well, at least I went. My goal is to run 4 times a week for at least 3 miles and keep on my diet.

And....I'm stretching and stretching some more before and after runs. No more injuries for this running chick!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Weight 138

I have been taking some short runs lately. My hip is still just a little skewed but yesterday my son, Devin, went with me and we did 2miles at 10:30. It was slow but I wanted to puke at the end. It's crazy how a strain could have affected me that badly for so long. Next time I feel a sprain going on I won't push myself as hard, so it heals quicker!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


My hip is still painful, but not as much. Last night I went for a very slow 2.5 miles (12 min. miles) I don't feel any worse for the wear today. I did sit on ice for 20 min. last night and enjoyed a beer. I can't believe how badly this sprain feels!! Now I am just trying to regulate my running and dieting so I can see some pounds shed.  This has been my mantra for almost 2 years now...ugh.

Monday, May 13, 2013

1/2 marathon..2 days later

OMG. My body is sore!! The 1/2 went well. Not sure if I'm ready to call that "fun" but it was a huge accomplishment. I didn't stop at all to walk. I did stop for a quick sip of water when the stands were available, but that is it for any type of rest and I don't really consider 3 seconds a rest. I finished the run in exactly 2:16:49. Mile 10 started to hurt, by mile 11 my shoulders were hurting like hell and at mile 12 my glut medius strain was feeling the burn. I wanted to lay down and die, but I kept going. We drove back home that day and I think that is where things went very wrong, I was so stoved up in the car for 4 hrs. that by the time we were home I could barely walk from my right sided glut. I still have a an ache and limp today. I am hoping it all goes away by the next couple of days so I can get back out and run 3 miles. I am soooo looking forward to small runs again :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

1/2 marathon eve

I am very excited about my 1/2 marathon tomorrow! I started carbing up yesterday and took yesterday off from any type of exercise. Monday and Wednesday I ran 5ks. My hip started hurting a few days ago and yesterday my PT I work with looked at it and determined it's not actually my hip but I have a sprained glut medius so she stretched it out and gave ultrasounded it. It feels much better this morning. I was able to get out of bed without any pain :) My goals tomorrow are to not stop, at all, no matter what, other than when I take my water and I want to keep my pace under 11 min. mile. I am hoping for 10 to 10 1/2 min. miles the entire way through.

My weight is up 142.3 which is a pisser. Phase 1 will be back on w/ my diet starting Sunday which means I'm going to enjoy my carbs today because they will be a no no on Sunday. I will admit I am really looking forward to going back to my old routine and just getting to run 3 miles every night without those really long double digit miles. It takes so much time after work to get that in as well as family time, dinner ect ect.

I will be posting my results my Monday.  Here's to a great weekend!!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Weight 139.9

Last night I put in just over 10 miles around town. I am having a major problem shrugging my shoulders when I run and my shoulder could barely move by the time I was done. It is frustrating to say the least. On the up side, the run was great and my endurance was high. If not for the shoulder I could have kept running. My PT I work with gave me some exercises to do for the next week and hopefully it will calm down. For the next week I will just be running short runs and then in one week and one day I have my first big 1/2 marathon!! I am excited.

This weekend I am headed to Roseburg for a wine tour. I can't wait. Maybe all that wine will relax my shoulder muscle :)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Weight 143.3

Let's start with the weight number. It is not making sense. Two days ago my scales said 136.6, yesterday was 138 and then today is a huge jump. I am changing the batteries in the scale to make sure it's not a glitch. I did have a large lunch yesterday and a large dinner. Yesterday was my 38th birthday so work bought my Thai curry w/ noodles and vegetables with 1/2 of a papaya salad and then my wonderful husband bbq'd me pork ribs, fried potatoes and peppers stuffed w/ cream cheese wrapped with ham and I did have a LOT of wine. So the scales may not be wrong, but I doubt they are accurate for how much a truly weigh. It's probably more of a salt retention, huge meal day type of thing. I haven't ran for almost a week. Bad I know, but we were busy last week with upcoming company coming for the weekend. Tonight I am running 5 miles, Thursday is another 10 or 12 mile day, then I take off for the weekend for a wine tour in Roseburg with some girlfriends. Next week I will run at least one more double digit number and then that Saturday will be my big 1/2 marathon race! I am excited but I am also ready to be done with the double digit runs. I would prefer to just enjoy getting to run 3-4 miles every night and not stressing my body out. I will continue to post my weight this week to see how that number does. As I am typing I can feel the swelling in all of my I am pretty sure the weight is reflecting something called salt retention and tomorrow all will be fine. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Weight: 138.8

My last run was 3 miles of speed work. I ran the straight stretch on the track hard and then slow jogged the corners. My average pace ended up being 8:59 mile. My running partner went on a run by herself last wk and ran 5 miles at a pace of 8:45 so I am slowing her down tremendously when we go together. I will continue to work on building up my speed!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Weight 138.4

Sunday I made a milestone and ran 10 miles at a pace of 10 min per mile. I was very pleased with that!! Then Monday I went for a quick 3 mile run at a pace of 9.30.

Diet is going well. Same as usual. Last night I made turkey meatballs w/ chili sauce as a glaze. Yummy!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday 4/9

I did not weigh in this morning. I got up late and had my boots on before I thought of it.

Last night I ran 6 miles right around 57 min. which I believe is a new record for me. The run felt great. The weather was nice, I had a different MPV player with me that had new songs and I just felt motivated.

My diet is going very well. I am only taking what I need to work for breakfast, lunch and snack and not straying from those foods. I was eating out way too much 2 weeks ago, so I have made sure my cupboards are stocked with foods I can eat. Tonight we have a pizza party for the end of the year for my daughter's volleyball team and I don't know what I will eat. I don't think the place we are going to has a good salad bar but I will figure it out. If I have to have one slice of pizza, then so be it.

One day at a time....and one pound at a time.....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Major Weight Gain

The title says it all. 140# and I am not loving it. It's not just an muscle vs. fat thing. I contribute this to too much eating out lunches which has been Thai food and more Thai food with lots and lots of noodles. This weekend I really went overboard at our branding Saturday at my Mom's and ate lots and lots of carbs. I was actually ashamed at how much I was eating.

New day, new start!

Today I took my lunch to work and when its gone, its gone. I have had a greek yogurt, 1 can of tuna fish with sweet chili sauce lightly drizzled on it, 1 tangerine, 2 portions of almonds and lots and lots of water. My coffee consisted of 1/4 cup of almond milk to a large to go cup. Not sure what dinner will be, but I will not have carbs and I will not have any beer when I get home (that is the hardest part) I will have one ginger "brew" just to take the edge off, but it's non alcoholic.

I cannot go off this diet, or cheat at all, because if I do I either gain or just maintain and that is obviously not working out so good for me. I am going to have to get my 17 day diet book out again and revisit the recipes that I was using for a refresher. Back to the drawing board!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So far this wk. I have had two good 3.25 mile runs at an average pace of 9:10. My running partner is getting way faster than me so tonight I plan on going alone to work on my speed. I have had serious issues with my pace and it is frustrating me to no end.

Speaking of frustrating, my weight is another issue I have about had it with. It's NOT going down. I am eating healthy but I do have the drinks, but I can't believe with my active lifestyle at night that I am not losing. I am not sure if it's a muscle issue and I have gained enough muscle to make the added weight worth it, or if I am just feeling fat. I should be taking account of my inches to see if there is a loss. It's just irritating. I have wanted to be in the 120's for a very long time now and I am feeling like a failure for not reaching the goal!

Monday, March 25, 2013


Weight. Damnit I was up this morning. It shouldn't surprise me. I haven't ran since Wednesday and I have ate like crap all week. So it's all my own fault.

On the up side..yesterday was my husband 1/2 marathon race on the Mckenzie River. He did great. He finished at an hour and 47 min. The weather was beautiful. It inspired me to get my butt in gear for my 1/2 that is in 2 months.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Weigh in yesterday. 135.5

Didn't have time to weigh in today to see if there is a change from yesterday so this is as accurate as it gets. I have been running, running and running some more. This entire week was 3-4.5 mile runs and then Sunday was a 6 mile run. Saturday was a 4.2 miler with a huge ass hill that kicked my butt.

I am back on the no beer kick during the week. Last night was one ginger "brew". I blew the diet part yesterday with a foot long pepperoni and meatball sub sandwich w/ bread. It was so good, but I am paying for it today. I woke up extremely puffy and feel yucky. It's amazing how when I eat bad I feel bad the next day.

This weekend I am watching my hubby run his 1/2 marathon near Eugene. I hope all goes well for him and it encourages me to keep going for mine!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I will post my weight tomorrow.

Sunday I went for an 8.65 mile run. It was a doozy!! My average time was 10:30 and my fasted mile was actually my last mile at an even 10 average. I did intentially go slower because I knew I had longer to run, but I'm hoping that by race day I can average 10 for the entire 13 miles. My damn Nike watch, which I usually love, would not sync up to GPS, only to my shoe pod which isn't as accurate. That was during the 1st mile and I was getting frustrated so I stopped and fiddled w/ it for a good 5 minutes. I wanted to pout and be pissy but I decided to pull up my big girl pants and deal with it. My problem is that I like to see results and having the watch tell me exactly what I am doing gives me a lot of gratification. It's a little ridiculous I rely on it so much but whatever gets me out there right?! Food has been going well. Keeping things fat free, carb free ect. We had fresh crab for the past 2 days that my husband went out and caught out of the ocean. favorite. Tomorrow is weigh in, I'm hoping for a number at 135 or less. Last night we didn't run and tonight is a 3 to 4 mile run. I am right on track for the 1/2 in May :)

Friday, March 1, 2013


Weight 135.5

Weight is about the same as last week. Hoping for a big drop by next week. I went for a 3 mile run last night around the track. The weather cooperated and didn't rain at those kind of nights.

For dinner we had a huge chef salad with all the fixing and I found fat free/35 calorie per serving poppyseed dressing. It was so good. That is my favorite dressing and is loaded with calories if you have the original. I was so excited to find this brand and try it. It was so good. Breakfast was a greek yogurt, snack was tangerine, bell peppers and FF cheese stick and lunch was leftover eggplant lasagna. We did have lots of wine last night as my good friend, who also happens to be my neighbor, came up. I felt a little crappy this morning and probably would have seen 134 without the wine. Oh well.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am weighing in tomorrow.

I had one run Monday night that was almost 3.5 miles. My average pace was 9.35 which was pretty dang good considering the hills. Tuesday night I took my kids out for a game of tennis and got quite a good workout on. Yesterday I took a break...I have a small cold and feel a little fatigued but tonight I will run again. My 1/2 marathon is Mother's Day and I feel pretty good about my progress I am making. At this point I can go 8 miles comfortably and I have been told if I can do 9 then during race day 13 is no problem. I will make sure I can go 13 well before race day though.

Last night I made a favorite of mine. I basically made lasagna with eggplant and without the noodes. With our diet we aren't supposed to eat a lot of carbs in the form of breads and pastas. So I cooked eggplant, added cottage cheese, marinara sauce, olives and some cheese and then baked it. It was yummy!! Of course I also added seasoning to taste. For breakfast was a smoothies made with 1 cup flavored Kefir, 1 cup soy milk plain and 1 cup of strawberries and 1 banana. I cheat with the banana as it has a lot of sugar in it but it thickens up my smoothie. I figure how bad can the cheat be if it's a banana?! Snack was mini bell peppers and orange and for lunch I had a Subway chopped salad. My coworker got it for me and they forgot to put dressing on it, so the salad sucked but was a lot healthier I guess.

Life is good. I am in one of those good places where I feel really content with myself and the life I have!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Blog

I had a blog called chubbychickturnedonbyrunning and somehow lost it so here it is again with a new format and a new name. I will weekly be posting my new weight, accomplishments and set backs with my running. I also have been doing the 17 Day Diet which I will post about.