Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tues, April 8, 2014

Obviously my days of blogging went to a standstill for a while. A lot has changed in my life. My husband moved to Washington in January and I am staying in Oregon until the kids get out of school. We will be putting our house on the market soon and hoping to buy another in WA, enrolling the kids in new schools and I will be leaving my much loved job for a new one.

My weight took a turn for the bad and I am now at 145#. I was doing really badly about eating out lunches at work...daily. This gain happened even though I was still running 3.5 miles 3 to 4 times a week.

A few months ago I started noticing deep pains in my feet, more on the left than the right. It turns out I have plantar fasciitis and a bad case of it. For the past week and a half I stopped running. The crappy thing about this is I am in a relay in 2 weeks and will end up running 13 miles before it's done. Lord help me. I am getting a treatment from a chiropractor called instrument massage, other people call it astym but basically they put a cooling gel on the bottom of my foot and scrape the affected area with an instrument to break up the adhesions. It hurts very badly but if it works, I'm game. I also bought a PF sleeve to wear at night and that should be here any day.

To be honest it is very frustrating how much I've struggled keeping my weight down, especially since I am pretty active, especially running so much. I feel like it's another year with the same issues. I have kept in mind that 4 years ago I wouldn't be able to just go out and run 5 miles without dying and I do look a lot better than I did 4 years ago. I also need to keep in mind that when I was down to 135 I was running 5 to 6 days a week and I am hoping after my foot heals I can go back to that.

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